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connecting brands & retailers in the Midwest


HL Outdoor Group is an outdoor and footwear sales and marketing agency headquartered in beautiful Marquette, MI. We bring years of experience in both retail and wholesale to the table. We pride ourselves on being "boots on the ground" reps who go the extra mile.



Our brands are long term partners who deliver best-in-class products. From the only socks Made in the USA and Guaranteed for Life, to comfortable footwear that fuses style and function, we represent the best of the best.



We are proud to call the Midwestern United States home. We understand our dealers' businesses and offer insight on the latest trends and best practices. We're not just an occasional email or call. We're traveling the territory, at stores, events, and shows.

Our goal is all about finding the perfect fit

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Connect best-in-class brands with the right retailers and distributors and good things happen. The industry landscape is rapidly evolving and we repeatedly leverage our connections and experience to keep our clients one step ahead. We're constantly engaged, tech savvy, and most importantly "there". In stores, at meetings, identifying the trend and aggressively building your business.


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